


» » » » The Secret Flirting Signs Of A Man-Magnet

If there ever was a flirting manual, this is it. Yup, we've compiled the entire flirting process of the super flirt -- from catching his attention to inviting him to approach to sussing out his level of attraction for you. Master these, and you'll be a full-fledged man-magnet. Get ready to get noticed!

Walk the walk

"When people first meet you, their initial impression of you is based upon your appearance and body language," says Ellen Dugan, author of How To Enchant A Man.

Your posture is a crucial giveaway: Stand tall, push your shoulders back as you make your entrance, and you'll instantly look confident, while a subtle smile on your lips signals that you're friendly and approachable.

Catch his attention

Spot a cutie at 2 o'clock? Make eye contact with him, give a little smile, then whisper into the ear of your girlfriend. It doesn't matter what you say -- he'll still think you're talking about him, and he will be dying to know what you said.

A bold guy will shoot you a quizzal look, approach you and ask what you said. Even if he's shy, he will keep stealing glances in your direction.

"Whispers make us think someone is saying something awfully nice or awfully horrible about us -- why else would they whisper it? Either way, it gets the adrenaline pumping and gets them looking your way," explains Tracey Cox, relationship expert and author of Superdate.

Signal him to approach

If he's tossing glances your way that last four seconds or longer, he definitely likes what he sees! At the same time, he's mentally evaluating how open you are to being approached, too.

So flash him a definite green light signal with a slow, flirty smile. "Smiling is truly contagious and it's a quick, subtle way to show interest without looking desperate," adds Tracey Cox, relationship expert and author of 

Now that you have his attention, look at him again, make repeated brief yet inviting eye contact ("I see you; do you see me?") and you're sending a clear "come over" sign.

Get on the same wavelength

He comes over and introduces himself. So far, so good! Lock eyes as you say hello and repeat his name.

Adopt an open body language by keeping your arms relaxed and unfolded and you'll appear friendly and approachable. Crossed arms and ankles, on the other hand, are an obvious sign that you're nervous and a no-no. A slight forward leaning of your torso signals interest and that you're enjoying his company.

We like people who are like us. "So if we like someone, we start "mirroring" -- doing whatever it is they're doing to show we're the same," explains Cox. For example, if he takes a sip from his drink, you follow suit after a pause. It's a great technique to bond and make him feel like you have a great rapport going on.

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